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Visage(s) Retrouvé(s), from Wajdi Mouawad

    How is the transition between childhood and adulthood going? This theater piece follows the inner construction of a 14 year old teenager. Along his encounters, Wahab manages to reconstitute forgotten faces from his memory, in particular his mother’s face. The scenography designed in pair with Clothilde VALETTE consists of six autonomous and identical structures, matrices of the story evolution. They are the spatial support of Wahab’s metamorphosis.


    jeu de couleurs



    mobilité des structures

    adolescence transformation


    Adapted from the Wadji MOUAWAD novel’s Visage Retrouvé, this show links theater with dance. It was produced by l’ARTUS, Strasbourg’s University Theater. This performance was played May 9 to 13 2018 at Cube nOir’s Theater in Strasbourg, France.


    Staging: Élodie GRASSET assisted by Laurine WAWRZYNIAK

    Set design: : Clothilde VALETTE and Clémence CHIRON

    With : Mathilde AYÇOBERRY, Louise BELLANGER, Léopold BOUCHARD, Lisa CALVI, Julie HOERTEL, Alexandre KAUTZMANN, Tom PACHOUTINSKY and Marina THIERUS

    Costume designs : Hermance BOUTON

    Choreography: Julie HOERTEL

    Musical creation: Loïc BESNIER and Jérémy MOREAU 

    Lighting design: Thibault CHANAL and Marc-Félix FOURNIER

    Makeup: Jordane KIEFFER and students of Candice Mack’s school

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