This text written by Christophe TOSTAIN traces a man’s life that dwells in residential area. Alone, he is running away from an aseptic society where he is forced to live in.
The set borrows these residential area codes. It proposes different point of views of the stage to each spectator. The primroses on the floor direct the performers’ entrance and exit movements, like signage in urban space.
Text read on March 23 2018, during “Actuelles XX” Festival in TAPS Laiterie Theater in Strasbourg, France.

Direction and reading: Jérôme RIGAUT
Reading: Nathalie BACH-RONTCHEVSKY
Drums: Yuko OSHIMA
Set Design: Clémence CHIRON, Anton GRANDCOIN, Chloé MARLIOT, and Kapitolina TCVETKOVA-PLOTNIKOVA
Photography: Clémence CHIRON
Thanks to Denis RONDEL, stage manager of TAPS Laiterie, for his trust and support throughout this project.